IAOA IT Assembly 2021 04

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IAOA-IT Ordinary Assembly - April 2021

As stipulated in the Association Statute and by other legal requirements, an ordinary assembly of the IAOA-IT membership is being called, in April 2021, to examine and approve the 2020 Financial Report of IAOA-IT. Details will be developed and presented on this page.

Events and Time-table

  • Announcement of Assembly: 27 March 2021
  • Publication of the Financial Report 2020 of IAOA Italy (ballot item): 26 March 2021
  • Discussion: opens 27 March 2021, closes 06 April 2021
  • EC finalizes details for publication of final version of the financial report: 11 April 2020
    • (no changes to version published on 26 March 2021)
  • IAOA Assembly called to order (by the IAOA-IT President): 12 April 2021
    • Ballot opens: 12 April 2021 12:00:00 (UTC)
    • Ballot closes: 15 April 2021 23:59:00 anywhere (UTC-12)
  • Announcement of vote results: planned until 25 April 2021

Ballot item and accompanying material

Ballot Item: 2020 Financial Report of IAOA-IT

[1] https://italy.iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/annual-report-iaoa-it-20210302.pdf

Terms of Reference

Please refer to the IAOA-IT Statute (especially Clause 18 regarding "Assembly" of the Association).

At the first call the Assembly is validly constituted by the presence of half plus one of the Members; if such required quorum is not met, then at a second subsequent call, the Assembly is validly constituted with any number of Members present. Every Member has the right to vote and may vote directly or via proxy assigned to another Member by following the procedure in the Association’s Bylaws. No more than two proxies per member may be accepted. The Assembly approves motions with the favourable vote of a simple majority of the members in attendance with the exception of the cases explicitly established in this Statute and in the Association's Bylaws.

  • quorum
    • we will need the participation of 50%+1 members in this Assembly to have quorum
    • with 24 active IAOA Italy members as of 09 Apr 2021, the quorum is (24/2)+1 = 13 ballot participants
    • the act of casting a ballot (with "Yes", "No" or "Abstain") will constitute a member's participation in the Assembly. Therefore, the total number of votes will be used to qualify whether we have a quorum.
    • should a second call become necessary, votes cast during the first call are transferred to the second one, i.e., voting does not need to be repeated
  • if you would like to vote by proxy, please state so via email to both (a) the member holding your proxy, and (b) <iaoa-italy[at]iaoa.org>
  • approval
    • approval of the motion here is constituted by a favorable vote of a simple majority of the members in attendance
    • note that only voting "Yes" can contribute to achieving that simple majority of favorable votes that constitutes approval of a ballot, while "Abstain" and "No" do not.

Ballot Process

This year we are using the Balotilo voting system [2] (a non-profit initiative, guaranteeing privacy and the secrecy of votes).

You will receive a personal message sent by the system, with a personal link that you can use to vote. The same link will allow you to see the results and to check that your vote has been taken into account with the control key you will receive.

Please note that the closing date as set in the voting system is the end of the election extension (Apr 22), in case the quorum is not met. This prevents losing the votes if an extension is needed (such that no one must vote again). Nevertheless, please do vote by April 15!

[2] https://www.balotilo.org/

Results of the Ballot

Ballot closed on April 15 2021 23:59 UTC-12

  • Participation:
    • Members present: 14
    • Number of members as of 09 April 2021: 24
    • Participation rate: 58.3%
    • Quorum: 13 (50%+1)
  • Ballot on the 2020 Financial Report:
    • Yes: 13 (100.0% of votes cast, 92.9% of members present)
    • No: 0 (0.0% of votes cast and of members present)
    • Abstain: 1 (7.1% of members present)

The vote is valid and the 2020 Financial Report is approved by 92.9% of the members in attendance, as officially announced by the President on 2021-04-28, cf. the announcement message.


References to the voting system:

  • Results are displayed on the voting pages that are accessible through the personal links as distributed by the Balotilo voting system on April 12 (sender address: balotilo -AT- eu.sparkpostmail.com).
  • For the maintainer and observers of the ballot: https://www.balotilo.org/consultations/105612/results