Number | 40 |
Duration | 1 hour60 minute 3,600 second 0.0417 day |
Date/Time | February 06 2017 18:30 GMT |
10:30 PST/1:30pm EST | |
6:30pm GMT/7:30pm CET | |
Convener | Mike Bennett |
IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) SIG
Meetings are normally on the first Monday of the month at these (new) times.
- Issue of the Journal of Applied Ontology
- Status update
- Revised Papers status and progress
- Allocation of reviewers to new and revised papers
- Editorial for Special Edition
- Housekeeping, blog etc.
- updates
- Next Meeting
1. SWAO Special Edititon Status and Actions
Notes are an update of the Word document
MB to distribute this to all current reviewers
2. Infrastructure:
New phone bridge for IAOA
SWAO can continue to use Mike Bennett GoToMeeting (same numbers each month) until or unless we decide otherwise.
Blog functionality: see
Tested this during the call - need to "subscribe" to see updates; this works
The feature to see the "subscribe" button is well hidden - people need to follow through to Comments to find it. Ken to look into this.
We want to encourage people on the Ontolog Forum mail list to move conversations to there (not an SWAO matter).
3. Next Meeting 1:30pm 13 March (Eastern Daylight Time)
Same GoToMeeting
MB to send an email now to confirm this.
- AndreaWesterinen
- KenBaclawski
- MikeBennett
- ToddSchneider